How can ear wax be treated?
There are several techniques that may be used to remove wax. These include micro-suction, irrigation and manual removal or a combination of these techniques.
Our Audiologist will advise you as to the most suitable for you. The chosen method will be based upon the current health of your ear canals and ear drums, your medical history, the type of ear wax or debris present, the length of time the wax or debis has been there, how close the wax is to the ear-drum, together with a consideration of your own preferences.
Read on if you wish to know more about the techniques used to remove earwax.

Our Audiologist will use a gentle micro-suction technique to remove the wax and debris.
During this procedure, the Audiologist will look through a microscope and will suction the ear with a small instrument.
Typically this takes about 30 minutes for both ears.
Historically the use of a large syringe to introduce water under pressure, was an accepted medical procedure.
Today, irrigation is carried out with a machine to control the pressure of the water stream and training standards dictate how the equipment should be used and what temperature the water should be at for the patient.
This involves running the mix of hot and cold water from the tap to fill the water reservoir to a temperature of 38 degrees centigrade. This ensures the water enters the ear canal at 37 degrees after running through the irrigator’s tubing.
The water is delivered in a pulsing stream. This increase the effectiveness of the water to gently dislodge earwax and debris and to wash it out of the ear canal. The image below shows the approved ProPulse irrigation machine for medical centres.
Irrigation typically takes around 15 minutes. You may be advised to use ear-drops, if the wax is hard and impacted. We will provide these.
Manual removal
Wax may be removed, under a microscope, with the use of a specailly designed wax hook. Our Audiologist is very well trained and highly experienced in this technique and this will not cause any discomfort or harm.
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